Important notes PCB layout V3.0: If you are using the previous pcb layout V3.0 of HMIP-PV-RC8, there is a mistake[…]
Important notes PCB layout V3.0: If you are using the previous pcb layout V3.0 of HMIP-PV-RC8, there is a mistake[…]
WeiterlesenHMIP-OC8-Pro was made for connecting the Homematic (IP) world to the Velux world. It is based on the same concept[…]
WeiterlesenTaking the most powerful DSP from the Analog Devices – Sigma Series leads to realHDaudio-ADAU1467! PCB is already build, ordered[…]
WeiterlesenHMIP-OC8-Micro was made for connecting the Homematic (IP) world to the Velux World. Therefore the HMIP-MOD-OC8 was combined with an[…]
WeiterlesenComing soon…
WeiterlesenI already wanted to change the realHDaudio-board (version 1, with an FPGA) to a version which holds a Teensy 3.6.[…]
WeiterlesenI started developing the realHDaudio-Board for the “freeDSP CLASSIC SMD B“-Board, which holds an Analog Devices ADAU1701 Sigma-DSP. Sigma-DSPs[…]
WeiterlesenAK5397 and AK4495 with FPGA Spartan 6; SNR 124 dB ADC, 118dB DAC; up to 384kHz Samplerate; 24 Bit Something[…]
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